The New Zealand Flying Doctor Trust (NZFDT) takes your privacy seriously and we will only use your personal information for the purposes permitted by law and this Privacy Policy. We welcome your feedback and/or questions regarding how we safeguard and care for your personal information; please feel free to phone us – ask for the privacy officer.
We collect personal information from you, including information about your:
- name
- contact details
- location
- computer internet address or network
- interactions with us
- billing or purchase information
We collect your personal information in order to:
- to keep you informed about our work
- seek your voluntary support so that a free and quality flying doctors service is available to all across New Zealand.
Providing your information is optional. If you choose not to provide contact details and other information, we may be unable to:
- Raise the funds necessary to sustain this emergency air ambulance service.
We are committed to data security.
NZFDT uses a variety of technologies and procedures to help protect personal information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. For example, NZFDT stores data in computer servers with limited access that are in controlled facilities secured by advanced surveillance and security technology. Sensitive digital information storage (such as a payment card number) and services are provided by Windcave, a level 1 certified PCI-DSS compliant provider. Paper copies of personal information are not held and are securely destroyed using approved destruction services.
No information will be passed onto a third party unless solely for the purpose of NZFDT fundraising, and if we are satisfied that they will securely hold and protect that information in line with the principles of The Privacy Act 2020 and this Privacy Policy.
We keep your information for a minimum of ten years or until such time that we are unable to contact you (and therefore unable to verify the accuracy of the information) at which point we will ‘flag’ it as ‘Do Not Contact’. We will from time to time, at your request, securely destroy personal information by using approved destruction services and or methods (digital and paper).
Some or all of your information may be stored on systems in other countries which may have different personal information privacy laws to New Zealand. Where this occurs, we will take steps to protect your privacy in accordance with New Zealand privacy laws.
Your rights
You have the right to ask for a copy of any personal information we hold about you, and to ask for it to be corrected if you think it is wrong. If you’d like to ask for a copy of your information, or to have it corrected, please contact us at:
- Email –
- Phone – 03 662 9698
- Mail – Privacy Officer, NZFDT, PO Box 20262, Christchurch 8543
We will require proof of your identity before discussing or divulging any personal information.